Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault Lawyer

A Fierce Legal Advocate for Sexual Assault Victims

According to federal statistics compiled by the U.S. Department of Justice, sexual assault cases have grown sharply in recent years, rising from 300,000 annual cases in 2013 to more than 400,000 today.

It’s a stark reminder that almost no-one is truly free from the risk of predatory behavior.

Fortunately, the law offers strong protections for those who have been victimized by others. If such a scenario has occurred to you or someone you love, it’s important to understand the next steps to take.

Understanding Sexual Assault Litigation

Sexual assault is a broad term that encompasses more than rape. It is defined as any sexual contact that occurs between two parties without consent.

While the burden of proof in criminal litigation is high (the assault must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt), victims may also pursue claims against the person or persons who assaulted them in civil court. These civil suits may move forward even if the person who committed the assault has been convicted in criminal court — there is no “double jeopardy” for a criminal and civil charge.

Those who have been victimized by sexual assault may seek compensation for mental trauma, any financial losses they have sustained (lost wages, lost jobs etc.), medical and psychological treatment and any other damages that are linked to the assault.

Additionally, if a third party’s negligence contributed to an assault, a victim may include them in a civil suit. For example, if a building’s owner failed to provide adequate security after being made aware of security issues, or if an employer failed to adequately check the backgrounds of workers who committed crimes.

Winning a sexual assault case is more than about compensation, however. Even if the crime happened years ago, the legal system can help ensure that perpetrators are punished. By holding sexual assault perpetrators to account through the legal system, we can reduce the odds that new victims are created, while also helping those who have been previously victimized to receive the justice they so richly deserve.

Finding the Right Sexual Assault Attorney

While the burden of proof is lower in a civil action (requiring only the preponderance — or majority — of the evidence to point in favor of one party), sexual assault cases are still often challenging to litigate. Memories fade, and lawyers for a defendant may seize upon any inconsistency in testimony in an effort to evade justice. Defense attorneys will use a range of legal tactics to muddy the waters to absolve their clients.

For this reason, it is imperative to work with an experienced sexual assault attorney. A seasoned litigator who understands the complexities that can arise from such cases is best positioned to help victims receive justice and fair compensation.

If you need help with a sexual assault case, we urge you to contact us for a fast consultation. We will treat your case with the sensitivity and respect you deserve, and zealously assert your rights under the law.

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